Few hours from now, the filing of Certificate of Candidacy (COC) will be closed and I never felt relieved that finally the rumors that I am running for city councilor will finally end. I know that tomorrow, a lot of people will ask me why I decided not to enter politics since according to them, I have all the “qualities” of a future politician. Modesty aside, I am young, my line of work influences a lot of people and my mother had a long and clean political career as a city councilor. So, the big question is why?
Our political system in the Philippines is disappointing. For almost twenty-three years since we had our freedom from a dictator, I didn’t see any big difference, especially if we are going to talk about our present government. The only changes I know of are the people who govern us, but sad to say, for me, they are all the same. Our leaders today are inclined more on how they will stay in power and earned more money rather than serving us taxpayers.
Just few hours ago, GMA filed her COC to run for congress for next year’s election. The action was unprecedented and a lot of questions were raised about her plans. Obviously, she wants to stay in politics and God forbid become our first woman prime minister.
Last week, the world was shocked when they learned about the Maguindanao massacre. As I was reading the newspaper, I can’t help myself but to wonder why God would allow this thing to happen. On second thought, I realized that this incident should happen in order for us to know how inhuman we are when it comes to politics. I can’t imagine how the 57 innocent civilians were brutally murdered just to preserve a political dynasty.
Our political system is just like a pizza pie where everyone wants a piece of it but nobody wants to share it. For me, the longer you become part of the system, the more you become corrupt. I think that’s the reason why, as a nation we can’t move forward because the problem is not only in our government but also in the political system itself.
So, I decided not to run because I don’t want to be a part of the system. I don’t want that someday, as a politician, I am force to do something that I’m going to regret it later in my life. I don’t want to change into a person whom I’m going to hate when I grow old. I don’t want to be like someone dear to me, whom I love and respect, changed because of politics. In politics, you may lose your self-respect, you values, your principles in life, your friends and even your family.
A politicians' eye opener. May they reflect on this and change for the better. If only politics will never replace love of family and friends into love of power, and if only it will protect lives rather than taking it, then a real CHANGE will begin. Respect and trust for one another are essential components of a true leader.